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What Type of Content Should You Create for LinkedIn?

Every social media platform is different - which is great if you're targeting specific demographics - but it also complicates your content creation. Why? Because what would work on a platform like Instagram won't work on a platform like LinkedIn.

So if your goal is to increase brand awareness within the older, career-focused demographic on LinkedIn, then keep reading! Because we're here to tell you what type of content resonates with them the most.

1. LinkedIn Video

Videos are one of the most popular forms of content on LinkedIn. And when it comes to what your audience wants to see, there are a lot of different options you can choose from, including:

  • Behind-the-Scenes Videos: show them what it's like on your side of the business! How do you prepare for a campaign? How do you develop your products? What are you doing when your product is launched?

  • Funny Videos: show them your personality or your team's personality. Let them see that you're not all business all the time and that they can relate to you.

  • Repurpose Presentations: have you ever spoken in front of an audience about certain topics? Share that moment! Not only will you teach them something valuable, but they will also get to witness how knowledgeable you are about your industry.

  • Client Transformations: customers and clients always have doubts about whether a company's product will work. Showing a client transforming because of your product will ease that doubt.

  • Tutorials: show everyone how to properly use your product! You can either record a tutorial or create an animated tutorial.

Whichever video type you chose, it should always end with the viewer being told exactly what they need to do next. For example: if you just gave your viewer a product tutorial, then at the end of the video you should tell them to click a link to buy the product.

Once you've developed your video, review it. Make sure that you haven't created a commercial, and that you are providing your audience with something that they will value. Every piece of content you share on LinkedIn should be one of these three things: inspirational, educational, or entertaining. If it's neither of these things - rework it!

Your next step is to post the video to LinkedIn and track your engagement. If you see that your numbers are doing well: republish. A lot of your audience most likely didn't see your video yet, so republishing it will ensure a higher reach!

2. Documents

This is where LinkedIn differentiates itself from other platforms. Documents are not likely to perform well on other social media, which are more strongly based on entertainment than education. LinkedIn, however, is full of professionals ready to learn.

The best document types you can develop are as follows:

  • Checklists: this can be a step-by-step guide, a schedule, or a list.

  • Blog Posts: if you have a blog, LinkedIn is the perfect place to advertise it.

  • Templates: have template ideas that your audience would love? Share them!

  • Slideshows: you can display your products, your story, tutorials, or presentations.

Your logo, contact information, and branding should be included in every document you post. Documents on LinkedIn are available for download, so you don't want your audience to forget who provided it to them!

You should also encourage your audience to share and remind them that documents can be downloaded, since many of them might not be as social media savvy as you.

3. Images

You guessed it! Images are popular on almost every social media platform, and this includes LinkedIn. But what exactly should your images be? Here are the three best images types:

  • Animated Text: let your content pop out from the rest by including text that moves around the page.

  • A Spotlight of Your Team: humanize your brand by showing who is behind all of the product production, the marketing, and the decisions!

  • Humorous Images: did you take an off-guard photo that made you smile? Share it!

There are two important things you should always remember about posting images on LinkedIn. The first: that stock photos don't perform well. While they might look great, they don't humanize your brand, and will cause a disconnect between you and your audience. The second: that high contrast, colorful images perform the best. So whatever you post - make sure that it pops!

For more advice on social media marketing, check out our Social Media Marketing course for small businesses and entrepreneurs. We will discuss all the platforms, the do's and do not's of each, and how to create a social media strategy that works best for your particular business!

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